Robotic Process Automation
RPA software applications (BOTs) replicate the actions of a human user with the user interface of a computer system.
Making use of a user interface to capture data and manipulate applications, BOTs can work just like humans do. They can interpret, trigger responses and communicate with other systems in order to perform a vast variety of repetitive tasks very efficiently. What’s more, an RPA software robot never sleeps and makes zero mistakes.
Cost Comparisons: Human v RPA
A Sonovision study demonstrated average daily savings using RPA as 1.34 hrs per task.
- Average annual savings of €5.13 per task, including development cost
* Savings may vary depending on the complexity and recurrence of tasks
** Development completed abroad in low-cost countries - Average RPA efficiency of 67%, meaning the human only needs to spend 33% of the time on each task
* This figure doesn’t include development time
** This figure doesn’t take into account recurrence of tasks. Efficiency increases with recurrence - Annual savings of 72% (time/cost) taking into account development hours and recurrence